DIN EN 857 1SC【1层钢丝编织 1 Steel Wire Braid】
较小弯曲半径的高压液压油基和水基液压流体。优异的脉冲和超过 SAE 100R1 和 SAE 100R16 标准要求的弯曲性能。胶管拥有更加紧凑的尺寸和较小的弯曲半径比 1SN 胶管在机械配置上有更好的性能。
High pressure service with tight bends for petroleum and water-based hydraulic fluids. Excellent impulse performance and flexibility exceeding SAE100R1 /SAE 100 R16 standard compact construction and tighter bend radius . Hose has one braid of high-tensile steel wire radius than 1SN hose for ease of assembly routing in machinery applications.
编号 DIN EN 857 1SC
内胶 Inner tube 耐油合成橡胶Oil resistant synthetic rubber
增强层 Reinforcement 一层高强度钢丝编织One braid of high-tensile steel wire
外胶 Cover 黑色氯丁橡胶Black Neoprene
应用温度 Temperature Range -40°F至+212°F(-40C至+100°C)-40°F to +212°F(-40℃ to +100℃)