SAE 100 R13【4-6层钢丝缠绕 4-6 Steel Wire Spiral】
Very high pressure applications subject to surge or flexing such as construction equipment mining and the high-performance industrial market.
编号 SAE 100 R13
内胶 Inner tube 耐油合成橡胶Oil resistant synthetic rubber
增强层 Reinforcement 四层交互缠绕的高强度钢丝(尺寸 3/4 英寸和1英寸)和六层交互缠绕的高强度钢丝(尺寸 11/4英寸,11/2英寸和2英寸)Four alternating layers of spiral high-tensile steel wire (sizes 3/4"and 1") and six alternating layers of spiralled high tensile steel wi
外胶 Cover 黑色氯丁橡胶Black Neoprene
应用温度 Temperature Range -40°F至+212°F(-40C至+100°C)-40°F to +212°F(-40℃ to +100℃)