DIN EN 853 1SN /SAE 100 R1AT【1层钢丝编织 1 Steel Wire Braid】
Medium pressure hydraulic application including mobile, machine tool and agricultural application, using petroleum or water - based hydraulic fluids.
编号 DIN EN 853 1SN /SAE 100 R1AT
内胶 Inner tube 耐油合成橡胶Oil resistant synthetic rubber
增强层 Reinforcement 一层高强度钢丝编织One braid of high-tensile steel wire
外胶 Cover 黑色氯丁橡胶Black Neoprene
应用温度 Temperature Range -40°F至+212°F(-40C至+100°C)-40°F to +212°F(-40℃ to +100℃)